Auto sentiment monitors the sentiment of all current luxury car models on the Dutch market according to their main quality indicators.
In contrast to traditional product sentiment monitoring tools, this showcase captures the semantics of sentiment expressed along seven main criteria responsible for the user experience. These criteria are: Appearance (in Dutch: uiterlijk), Driving experience (rijgedrag), Price (prijs), Comfort, Fuel consumption (verbruik), Quality (uitrusting) and Safety (veiligheid).
This showcase was developed specifically for luxury cars. However, the underlying technology and modelling approach is easily transferable to any product and language combination required to suit your your social branding/ -experience/ -marketing management application.
The semantics are captured in sufficient detail to deliver actionable insights. Instead of presenting that “brand X has A% of positive and B% of negative mentions”, we can show that the Appearance of car brand X is positively evaluated BECAUSE the pubic appreciates the exterior BUT that the interior of the car is disliked. This helps a brand manager to monitor brand perception in high detail and effectively target their communications.
A live beta version of this application, using all messages and community responses on The Netherlands’ most popular car blogs, is available here. As the visualization in the user interface is still under development, the appearance may change over time.
If you are interested in this application or its technology please contact us for a full demonstration of our semantic text processing capabilities.