our News

April 22, 2009

ViewerPro Core

ViewerPro Core provides a software solution that takes you straight to the ‘core’ of ViewerPro’s news interpretation technology. Viewerpro Core enables you to benefit from ViewerPro’s semantic analysis technology without having to be involved with the modelling of business logic or administrator tasks.

The new Core-version of the ViewerPro program offers an elegantly simplified viewer for keeping up to date with financial news impacts on the selected equity-portfolios of your preference, without any of the more advanced modeling tools. This makes ViewerPro Core easy to use and ideal for your customers that are in need of reliable and real-time news impact evaluation.


April 9, 2009

ViewerPro Custom Projects

ViewerPro is a highly flexible and adaptable platform and can be adjusted to accommodate most news impact analysis scenarios. Any specific client desires are analysed by our experts and implemented in a bilateral project in which our customer communicates directly to the ViewerPro development team. This ensures a clear understanding of our customers’ wishes and a fast realization of the required functionality.

Examples of recent projects are the deployment of clients proprietary knowledge repositories for further enhancement of the news analysis and front end user interface integration into an existing trading environment.


March 26, 2009

ViewerPro for early health risk warning

SemLab is currently proposing a joint research effort, backed by the European Community to deploy their leading event extraction platform ViewerPro in the health risk domain.

SemLab will be leading a consortium of top level technology companies and academia to realise the next level in media monitoring. This project will include speech-to-text functionality, full support for multilinguality, self-learning event extraction and simulation-based event risk assessment.


March 23, 2009

Semlab researches spatial reasoning in Solim project

The Solim project is now well on its way. Semlab, with partners Picsearch, Tilde and AGMlab are researching the possibilities of image-based content management.

The objective of the Solim project is to improve context-aware information analysis by expansion of state of the art ontology languages and their support for automated reasoning by adding a spatial dimension. This will enable semantic systems to venture beyond a static world and add the concepts of space and change.

Current technological tools for describing semantic knowledge are incapable of adequately supporting automated reasoning on the inherent spatial properties of concepts. Information with a spatial component can be described by using an ontology that treats locations as ordinary concepts. However, in doing so the temporal-spatial consequences of the described events (locations and movement) are lost in the formalisation. This means that knowledge about the spatial aspects (such as orientation, dimension, scale, location and movement of a concept) cannot be efficiently described inside the ontology, even though it comprises valid and persistent knowledge about the domain. Spatial properties can only be dealt with in an ad-hoc manner while these are among the basic properties of physical concepts expressed in many ontologies.

The Solim project extends the ontology web language OWL so that it can support effective storage and reasoning on spatial information, and will demonstrate the power of such an extension with automatic processing of textual and graphical information.


March 20, 2009

Welcome to Semlab’s blog

Welcome to Semlab’s blog. Semlab is a research and development company that focuses on knowledge discovery and decision support. Our products include ViewerPro (semantic analysis of economic news) and Meditra (decision suppport for triagist).

This blog will be used to keep you up to date on new developments of our products and research activities in computational linguistics, fuzzy logic, sematic web technologies, user interface design and many other related issues.