All posts in Government

May 13, 2013

ViewerPro automatiseert verwerking Wet Openbaarheid van Bestuur (WOB) verzoeken

SemLab’s VIEWERPRO software wordt ingezet tegen het explosief stijgende aantal verzoeken van burgers, bedrijven en advocaten die beroep doen op de Wet openbaarheid van bestuur (WOB). “De reactietijd is thans zo verbeterd dat onze klanten, waaronder het Openbaar Ministerie, de stroom WOB verzoeken makkelijk aankunnen, en ruimschoots binnen de wettelijk gestelde termijn kunnen reageren” zegt Bram Stalknecht, SEMLAB te Alphen aan den Rijn. “Onze klanten vermoeden steeds vaker misbruik van deze wet, en hebben de stap genomen om onze taaltechnologie te gebruiken voor het detecteren van deze verzoeken. Door onze technologie in het informatieproces te integreren wordt de informatiestroom door een intelligent computersysteem gestuurd. Medewerkers worden nu ontlast en het systeem is zo ingeregeld dat het pieken makkelijk kan opvangen en flexibel voor elk WOB-onderwerp kan worden ingericht.”

Door middel van Natural Language Processing en Artificial Intelligence technieken detecteert VIEWERPRO met hoogste precisie en recall woorden en begrippen die relevant zijn uit de binnenkomende brieven en e-mails. Deze worden automatisch opgenomen in de reacties naar de verzoekers.



February 15, 2011

Final SOLIM project meeting in Istanbul, Turkey


The SOLIM project (Spatial Ontology Language for multimedia Information Modelling) is nearing completion. This week the project partners will meet in Istanbul to discuss the project results and possible future projects.

During the project we have developed two proof of concept applications that show the advantages of using spatial ontology languages for Image Search and Machine Translation technologies.


September 22, 2010

SemLab pitch at PICNIC event

SemLab has been invited to give a pitch at the PICNIC event’s pitch night. Ten selected companies will present their product or service to a panel of experts, who will offer personalized recommendations to each company. For both participants and the audience, this will be an exciting night focused on learning, growth and innovation.

SemLab will present their ViewerPro semantic analysis platform.

For more information: PICNIC pitch night


August 23, 2010

SOLIM project submits research paper

Part of the SOLIM project’s research results have been submitted as a research paper entitled “The use of OWL for Spatial Knowledge based Applications” in the Semantic Web journal.

The paper was written by representatives of SemLab, Tilde, Picsearch and AGMLab. In this paper it is demonstrated that the use of OWL and spatial reasoning tools – despite shortcomings – enables effective storage of, and reasoning with spatial information by use of a hybrid solution. The utility of this solution will be illustrated by its application in two diverse domains; automatic processing of textual information and querying of graphical information, in machine translation and image searching applications.


August 20, 2010

SOLIM project in last phase

The Solim project for spatial reasoning has entered the last phase, in which the technology developed will be implemented into two POC applications for evaluation. The two applications that will utilise the spatial reasoning technology are Picsearch’s Image Searching system and Tilde’s Machine Translation system.


June 11, 2009

SemLab’s Semantic Search

The SemLab semantic search platform is based on our Vicore™ data processing platform which, among others, is the basis of our leading semantic news analysis solution ViewerPro™.

The purpose of semantic search is to improve standard keyword-based search technologies by adding domain dependent, a-priory knowledge about the semantics of the concepts entailed in the documents that are analysed. This a-priory knowledge is contained in ontologies: formal descriptions of the concepts that exist in the domain of application. In general the ontologies play a pivotal role in a semantic enabled technology and have a profound effect on its overall quality. For a search platform, the common quality parameters Precision and Recall will largely depend on the quality of the ontologies used.

Semlab’s semantic platform fully acknowledges that ontologies are the key to a successful semantic analysis system and therefore support ontology maintenance as a core technology. This includes both expert knowledge expression as well as (supervised) automatic ontology learning from domain-specific documents. In addition the SemLab platform fully supports existing base ontologies and offers their own default domain ontologies for many areas of financial information management, exactly as are used every day by the ViewerPro semantic news analysis platform.

The SemLab semantic platform is in essence a data pipelining platform in the sense that the data sources are fed to the start of the line, various relatively independent subsequent operations are done on the data. The results of these are stored in various databases.


In the case of semantic search, the data sources consist of text documents (e.g. reports, news messages, e-mails) in various formats and the final result is an semantic index, modeling the occurrence of ontology terms in the documents. When a user presents the platform with search query, this query is treated as if it were another document and also expressed in terms of the ontology. Since both the document corpus and the user’s query are expressed within the same domain of discourse, they can be compared and ranked on similarity. Finally, using carefully designed threshold values, the resulting document sections are presented to the user in a GUI or available through an API to other applications. In addition to the retrieval of documents, the domain ontology can also be queried directly. In this way the semantic search platform also serves as a question answering tool, enabling users to quickly retrieve the corporate domain knowledge.


March 26, 2009

ViewerPro for early health risk warning

SemLab is currently proposing a joint research effort, backed by the European Community to deploy their leading event extraction platform ViewerPro in the health risk domain.

SemLab will be leading a consortium of top level technology companies and academia to realise the next level in media monitoring. This project will include speech-to-text functionality, full support for multilinguality, self-learning event extraction and simulation-based event risk assessment.