All posts in Finance

April 19, 2012

‘From Analytics to Alpha’

Click on the image for the original webpage, or use the links below for more information and to register.

View the webcast


March 16, 2012

SemLab sponsor of Battle of the Quants, New York!

SemLab is proud to be the sponsor of the 2012 Battle of the Quants coming up on March 27th and 28th at Christie’s Rockefeller Center. Battle of the Quants is the leading quantitative hedge fund conference which focuses on the most cutting edge quantitative strategies. For additional information or to register, please go to


The leading Global Quantitative Hedge Fund Event includes a first time EVER focus on Trading by leveraging Sentiment and Real Time Big Data.

Other topics covered include:

  • Battle: Humanizing the Machine or Automating the Man
  • Quant Capital Introduction Roundtable
  • Models Interrupted: Should You Override your Systematic Engine?
  • The Race to Zero! Low Latency / High Frequency Trading
  • Speakers include High Profile Quant Investors, Managers and an Astronaut
  • And so much more content including quant panels, presentations, a Quant Awards Ceremony,  interviews, Quant Videos, a live Auction and networking



March 14, 2012

SemLab, the leading news analytics vendor at the Battle of the Quants in New York, March 27th and 28th!


Join SemLab at the official 2-day Battle of the Quants event in New York! Quantitative investors, high frequency traders and multiple managers gather to discuss and exchange information about cutting edge quantitative strategies when mining big data and incorporating sentimental analysis into quantitative methodologies. This event is unique because it provides a fascinating and wide ranging understanding of why quantitative finance is becoming increasingly relevant to everyday trading.

Gain knowledge, participate in high-anticipated workshops and meet other experts in the business. Join us at Christie´s Rockefeller Center in New York on March 27th and 28th!

SemLab will discuss news analytic innovations for a low latency, multi asset class trading environment.
Interested in ViewerPro? View the ViewerPro page  ViewerPro

Challenged to join Battle of the Quants?


December 2, 2011

News Sentiment HD App for iPad launched in iTunes Store

The News Sentiment HD App analyses current financial news in real time and displays the news sentiment of all major equities in an intuitive graphical interface. This provides at-a-glance insight in market moving events and keeps you ahead of the competition.

SemLab’s News Sentiment HD optimizes the way you keep in touch with the rapid developments in global equity markets by:

✩ Aggregating over 57 leading news sources.
✩ Analyzing the news impact for all major equities.
✩ Visualizing for immediate insight into potentially market moving developments.

NewsSentiment HD is used by professional and private fund managers to stay abreast of current affairs and ahead of the competition.

✩ Act before the market moves.
✩ Boost your 401k and equity portfolio return.
✩ Be well informed and act quicker than the exchange.

NewsSentiment HD for iPad is the ultimate app to boost your 401k and equity portfolio return. It empowers you to keep ahead of the US/EU equity markets and abreast of relevant news events – always.


✩ Enhanced for iPad
✩ Detailed news events
✩ Global market overview
✩ Real-time, 24×7, minimal latency
✩ Intuitive interface, no training required
✩ Aggregated news from over 57 news sources

For more information, please visit the iTunes Store.


October 6, 2011

Join a live Twitterview from @DJSalesTrading on sentiment analysis!

SemLab’s Bram Stalknecht and Rob Passarella of Dow Jones Newswires will host a Twitterview discussion on Sentiment Analysis in Trading on October 13, 2011.

Find out why sentiment analysis is having a major impact in today’s institutional trading markets and what it can do to give you a competitive advantage. Our experts will discuss topics such as: What is sentiment analysis? How can traders use news sentiment analysis? How are subjectivity and the intensity of words dealt with? How does the industry profit by sentiment analysis? What competitive edge can traders and quants get from sentiment analysis? What’s the future of trading on sentiment?

Rob Passarella, Vice President of Institutional Markets and Managing Director, Dow Jones Newswires

Bram Stalknecht, CEO of SemLab, whose focus is on information technology-driven markets with extreme data processing and data-management needs

WHEN: October 13, 10:00-10:30 am ET / 3:00-3:30 pm GMT
WHERE: Follow the Twitterview on #djsemchat


September 15, 2011

SemLab talk on SMT and News Sentiment Analysis at Multilingualweb meeting (W3C)

SemLab’s project director Thomas Dohmen will give a presentation on the benefits and problems of using Statistical Machine Translation for News Sentiment Analysis at the Multilingualweb workshop in Limerick, Ireland.

SemLab is a partner in the LetsMT project for machine translation of smaller European languages, such as Latvian, Danish, Dutch and Croatian. The resulting translation engines of the LetsMT project are showcased on SemLab’s website once completed.

For more information, please visit:
Multilingual web


June 14, 2011

MASS Proposal passes first FP7 stage

SemLab has passed the first stage with their MASS proposal for the FP7 call on Digital Content and Languages, a funding scheme of the European Commission.

In this proposal, SemLab and innovative European partner organisations propose to create a functioning multimedia sentiment analysis platform that incorporates automatic semantic analysis of customer feedback from a wide variety of web-based multimedia, and automatic translation of small and large European languages.

In order to understand social customers, companies must understand the (often unknown) languages of their customers. Today’s existing social CRM solutions are monolingual and are not suitable for following consumers’ responses across Europe. By incorporating automatic translation for larger and smaller European languages into the system, MASS can step beyond the current state of the art and deliver a database of social media information and a system that can determine sentiment from different language groups, cultures, and countries from these data.

This will enable companies to tap into a large base of social customer sentiment, and use this in their CRM solutions. By using the latest semantic analysis technologies, the sentiment portrayed in social media can be extracted. Furthermore, smart semantic tools are used to interpret specific web language, such as shortened words or expressions, emoticons, new ‘internet’ language, etc.


May 12, 2011

Positive evaluation of Let’sMT! project’s 1st year

SemLab and the other partners of the Let’sMT project have met in Luxembourg to present the results of the first year of the project.

Presentations were given for each of the work packages as well as a live demo of the already operational translation system, the translation widget and browser plugin.

The preliminary response from the evaluators was very positive and the project will continue as planned.


April 22, 2011

Deutsche Börse announces ‘ AlphaFlash Corporate News Germany’

Deutsche Börse has issued a press release stating that their algo news feed AlphaFlash will now deliver unscheduled corporate financial data in machine-readable format. This is the first step in an expanding service. Additional news types and countries will be added later.

AlphaFlash is supported by SemLab’s semantic analysis technology.

To read the press release, follow this link: Deutsche Börse Media Announcements


January 11, 2011

Automated News Analysis on Wall Street

The New York Times recently published an article about the automated news anaylsis tools that are currently being used on Wall Street. The article describes the current trend – and potential – of using semantic analysis tools for analysing news, such as the news information published in news reports, blogs and Twitter feeds.

The technologies described are very similar to SemLab’s ViewerPro technology for automatic semantic analysis of news.

You can find the original article here: NY Times website